On Thursday, June 16, the Georgia Department of Corrections (GDC) hosted a graduation ceremony recognizing twenty-one GDC staff for completing the Georgia Bureau of Investigation’s Basic Agent Academy. As the first class solely comprised of GDC staff, these Special Agents (SA) were recognized and swore an oath during the ceremony, to serve and protect Georgians. After completing 456 hours of instruction to include firearms, defensive tactics, crime scene processing, interviews and interrogations, all graduates are now qualified as Special Agents.

Image: Ga Dept of Corrections
“The level of commitment, teamwork, and perseverance these Agents have shown during their training is outstanding,” said Commissioner Timothy C. Ward. “They bring a diverse set of skills to our team, and we are confident in their commitment to guarding the front lines as they uphold their oath to protect the public.”

Image: Ga Dept of Corrections
During the awards ceremony earlier in the week, the following Special Agents were recognized:
- SA Edward Allen Gylfe – Academic Award
- SA Travis Sparks – Class President
- SA Hannah Rittweger, SA Barry Whitfield, SA Josh Williams and SA Maria Wilson – Class Team Leaders
- SA Josh Williams – Top Gun Award
- SA Ashley Jay and SA Josh Williams – Fitness Awards
Image: Ga Dept of Corrections
Image: Ga Dept of Corrections
These men and women join the ranks of fellow Special Agents responsible for investigating criminal activities, conducting crime scene searches, assisting in the prosecution of cases, gathering information for the identification of persons and criminal intelligence, apprehending wanted persons, and performing other related law enforcement duties.