Chattooga School Nutrition will operate under the Seamless Summer Option, provided by USDA, for the 2021-2022 school year.
This means all students within the Chattooga County School System will receive free breakfast and free lunch for the 2021- 2022 school year, while funding lasts. If funding expires, families will be notified by local media outlets, as well as letters sent home by students. Students may choose to purchase extra food items and/or snack items at the point of sale within the cafeteria, if desired. However, payment is required for all extra food items and snack items at the time of sale. Extras and snacks may not be charged to the student’s cafeteria account unless there are available funds on the student’s account to cover the cost of the items being purchased.
Although students will receive free meals during the 2021-2022 school year, each family will still receive a Chattooga County Schools meal application for Free/Reduced Meals just as you would each school year. Normally, this application is used for families to apply to receive free or reduced priced meals, depending on income limits set forth by USDA. The information obtained in the Free/Reduced Meal Application is used by several departments within the Chattooga County School System, such as the Title I department, to determine funding for the children within our school district. This year, we are asking families to complete the application and return to us so we can continue to provide information to the applicable departments, such as Title I, to help determine funding for Chattooga County Schools. This funding is vital to our school system and helps to purchase many of the resources our students use daily.
The information obtained in the meal application will also be used to determine P-EBT (Pandemic EBT) eligibility for families affected by the COVID-19 Pandemic. We are required to report Free/Reduced application status to the appropriate organizations, who oversee the administration of P-EBT benefits. If families do not have an application on file for the 2021-2022 school year, they may be denied P-EBT benefits.
Meal applications will go home with students during the month of August. Please complete the meal application and return to your child’s school or directly to the School Nutrition Department at 33 Middle School Rd., Summerville, GA 30747. Only one meal application per family is needed. You do not need to complete multiple meal applications if you have multiple children; make sure all children are listed on one application, regardless of age.
If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to me at 706-859-3054 or bwooten@chattooga.k12.ga.us. Thank you,
Brandie Wooten
School Nutrition Director Chattooga County Schools