Georgia Northwestern Technical College (GNTC) Police recently received an $18,000 grant from the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety (GOHS).
The grant, which will continue through September of 2021, will help finance mobile laptop workstations in GNTC’s patrol vehicles.
“With the introduction and utilization of in-vehicle technology, our officers will be able to improve enforcing traffic laws in and around our six campus locations in Catoosa, Floyd, Gordon, Polk, Walker and Whitfield counties,” said Chad Cardin, chief of GNTC Police. “This addition will also allow our officers to work away from the office and allow more visibility for our department.”
Mobile laptops will allow officers to complete reports, monitor security cameras and other aspects of their duties from their patrol cars, Cardin added. They will be able to print citations for violations and provide GNTC stakeholders with information at the touch of a button.
“The loss of one life on our roads is one too many, and the fact almost all fatal traffic crashes can be prevented is one reason why we are awarding this grant,” said Allen Poole, director of the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety. “The target of zero traffic deaths in our nation is achievable. We will continue to help develop and implement educational messages, enforcement campaigns and other safety initiatives aimed at bringing us one step closer to our goal.”
GNTC Police are fully certified as a state police agency signified by the Peace Officer Standards and Training Council and the Georgia Crime Information Center. The jurisdiction for GNTC Police, as defined by Georgia law, is public or private property under the control of Georgia Northwestern Technical College plus a 500-foot perimeter. GNTC Police operate under the authority of the Technical College System of Georgia.
GNTC Police have also entered into mutual aid agreements with surrounding counties and municipalities. Under these agreements, college police officers can operate off campus when requested by other agencies to assist them.
For more information about GNTC Police, contact Cardin via email at ccardin@gntc.edu. For more information on GOHS and its highway safety programs, visit www.gahighwaysafety.org.
Georgia Northwestern Technical College provides quality workforce education to the citizens of northwest Georgia. Students have the opportunity to earn an associate degree, diploma or a certificate in business, health, industrial or public service career paths. This past year, 11,820 people benefited from GNTC’s credit and noncredit programs. GNTC has an annual credit enrollment of 8,591 students and an additional enrollment of 3,229 people through adult education, continuing education, business and industry training and Georgia Quick Start. For more information about GNTC, visit us at www.GNTC.edu. GNTC is a unit of the Technical College System of Georgia and an Equal Opportunity Institution.