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Floyd County Schools Intra-District transfer window opens June 1

The Intra-District transfer window will open for all students currently attending a Floyd County school to apply for a transfer to a different school within the school system on Thursday, June 1

The Intra-District transfer window will open for all students currently attending a Floyd County school to apply for a transfer to a different school within the school system on Thursday, June 1, and close on Thursday, June 15, 2023, at 3 p.m.

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A parent or guardian may request to have a child transferred to another school within Floyd County Schools as long as the school system has determined that there is available classroom space at the school after all assigned students have been enrolled. Currently, projected enrollment figures indicate that all Floyd County Schools have limited space available for transfers. It should be noted that available classroom space does not exist at all grade levels at all schools and could change as enrollment for students within the district increases during the summer.

Please keep in mind, that if a child is transferred to another school in the district, the parent or guardian assumes all costs and responsibilities related to the transportation of the child to and from school. Also, a student may not apply to attend a school that does not have courses necessary for that student’s graduation, or a school that does not have a program with the services in the student’s existing individualized education plan.

Another important factor to consider before applying for transfer would be eligibility in sports or extracurricular activities. Students involved in extracurricular activities and sports should carefully consider their eligibility according to the rules of the individual programs and the rules and regulations of the Georgia High School Association (GHSA), prior to applying for a transfer. Such transfers may negatively impact a student’s ability to participate in a sport or activity.

Information about transfer options for all students and transfer application forms are available on the Floyd County Schools Web site at or at the Central Office of Floyd County Schools on Riverside Parkway. Transfer applications for the 2022-2023 school year must be submitted to Floyd County Schools at the central office building on Riverside Parkway by 3 p.m. Thursday, June 15, 2023, for all students. All details regarding options for students are available on the Floyd County Schools’ Website.


If there are more requests for transfer than space available at a school, a random selection of submitted applications will be used to fill the openings.

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