(Summerville, GA) – The Chattooga Public Library has been selected as one of the many Georgia public libraries to receive grant funds to start a pollinator garden, a program inspired by Former First Lady Rosalynn Carter to help increase habitat for Monarch Butterflies.
Thanks to a Georgia Public Library Service grant made possible by the Library Service and Technology Act and the Institute of Museum and Library Services, in partnership with the Georgia Farm Bureau and UGA Extension, the Chattooga Public Library received $275 to develop a pollinator garden that will help educate the general public on what butterflies need to survive, provide inspiration to create butterfly friendly gardens, and increase habitat for pollinators. The Chattooga Library will also receive a copy of the children’s book, A Journey to Plains, written by Annette Wise, forward by Rosalynn Carter.
“The Monarch butterfly as well as other butterflies are pollinators and they play an important role in our environment and food supply,” said Delana Sissel, Library Director. “With this grant, the Chattooga Library has established a pollinator garden with the purpose to preserve and promote the habitat of butterflies. We’re excited to have the opportunity to be a part of the Rosalynn Carter Butterfly Trail.”
The public is encouraged to stop by the Chattooga Public Library to view the butterfly garden, featuring a variety of plants and bricks hand painted by library staff. To view more information about the butterfly garden, as well as a selection of photos, visit https://rosalynncarterbutterflytrail.org/garden/chattooga-butterfly-library/.
To keep up with grant-related activities and library events, follow the Sara Hightower Regional Library System on Facebook, or visit our website: shrls.org.