Cancer Navigators’ annual benefit run\walk culminates this year with an in-person 1 Mile Fun Run/Walk on Sunday, April 30, at 2 p.m. at the Barron Stadium track in Rome. The annual Daisy Drop will take place that day at 3 p.m. on the Chief John Ross Memorial Bridge at the Town Green.
Those who sign up for the annual virtual 5K or 1-mile fun can participate in the live event at no additional charge. Proceeds will help provide area cancer patients with transportation assistance so they can receive lifesaving treatments.
Registration for the virtual run, walk or biking event began earlier this spring, but will continue through April 30. As long as you sign up by then, you can run, walk or bike anywhere and at any time you want for either 1 mile or 3.1 miles (5K). You can go the distance all at once or in increments. 5K participants will receive a T-shirt and medal. Those who choose to do the 1-Mile Fun Run virtually will receive a medal.
During the annual Daisy Drop, Cancer Navigators staff will be onsite handing out complimentary daisies that attendees can drop into the river to pay tribute to loved ones affected by cancer.
“Every contribution benefits someone struggling with cancer, and has tremendous impacts, giving invaluable gifts of relief and hope to patients and their caregivers,” said Sarah Husser, Cancer Navigators Fundraising & Community Outreach Coordinator.
Virtual Race Options:
Register online at bit.ly/CNRaces or by contacting the Cancer Navigators office at 706-509-5040. The deadline to register is April 30.
5K Registration – Receive T-shirt and medal ($30)
5K Registration for 2020/2021/2022 Racers – Receive T-shirt, medal, and $5 discount ($25)
5K Team Registration – Receive t-shirt, medal, and $5 discount if registering as a group of 5 or more ($25)
1 Mile Fun Run – Receive medal only ($15)
Every $25 purchases a gas card or bus voucher to provide a cancer patient in crisis the opportunity to fight and increase their chances of survival.
Cancer Navigators’ 17th year sponsors include Atrium Health Floyd, Harbin Clinic, First National Community Bank, Hardy Realty, MSP Attorneys, State Mutual Insurance Company, Mount Vernon Mills, The UPS Store, and Profile Custom Extrusions.
Established in 2006, Cancer Navigators serves as a complement to the medical expertise of cancer care providers by guiding those in northwest Georgia and northeast Alabama affected by cancer toward a better understanding of diagnosis and care while connecting them with needed resources. The organization provides the following free services: social support, counseling, nutrition assistance, transportation assistance, medical supplies, wigs, hats and scarves, stress management and caregiver support.