Press Release from Tax Commissioner Joy Hampton:
“Collection letters will be going out this week to property owners who have not paid or made arrangements to pay their 2016 and older property tax bills. These letters will also go out to mobile home owners who have not made arrangements to pay their 2017 and older tax bills. For businesses owing personal property tax, collection letters will be going out shortly thereafter. As many of these bills are now 7 months or more past their due date, I am urging anyone who has not paid to make arrangements as soon as possible to avoid your property going to tax sale. Property owners under a bankruptcy agreement will still receive these letters, but should notify their bankruptcy attorney of any unpaid tax bills so that they can be disbursed according to their plan agreements. Payments can be made online at, in person or by mail 120 Cox Street, Summerville, Georgia 30747, or left in our overnight drop box on the side of the building. I appreciate the job our citizens have entrusted me with, and I take your trust seriously; therefore I must make every effort feasible to ensure that everyone is treated fairly.”
Bills were mailed out for real and personal property on October 1, 2016. Bills for mobile homes went out On February 1, 2017. Reminders and intent to fi fa letters were also sent, so these letters will be the last chance before going to tax sale.