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Chattooga County to Honor Living World War II Veterans

Chattooga County will honor the living World War II Veterans at a special event in July.

The Greatest Generation sacrificed for their country and helped our nation transition through some of it’s toughest moments. While their sacrifices will never dwindle, their numbers will continue to fade. As the years pass by, the number of living World War II Veterans becomes fewer and fewer.  According to the United States Veterans Administration, over 16 million American troops served in World War II, however, as of last year, there were just over 500,000 of the veterans – who are mostly in their 80’s and 90’s – left living. While many are still living vibrant lives, most are in the waning years of a long and arduous life. According to Veterans Affairs statistics, we are losing 372 WWII veterans each day.

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Chattooga County will honor the living World War II Veterans at a special event in July.

Chattooga County World War II Veterans are invited to attend a reunion luncheon to be held on July, 19, 2018 at the Chattooga County Civic Center in Summerville.  Lunch will be served at 12 p.m. noon with a brief program to follow.  Veterans are welcome to bring items from their service years to display.
Each veteran is welcome to bring their spouse, or a family member or caretaker.  All who served during World War II are encouraged to attend and visit with others who served during this historic time.
Organizers of the event are Barbara Reece, Odell Anderson, Probate Judge Jon Payne, and the Chatooga County Extension Service.  Numerous businesses and volunteers are assisting in order to make this a special moment for our “Greatest Generation.”
For more information, please call Odell Anderson at 706-397-2394 or Barbara Reece at 706-862-2657.

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Casie Bryant is the NW Georgia Regional Manager for AllOnGeorgia.

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