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2016 shows a spike in conceal carry permits in Chattooga County

The number of people packing heat in Chattooga County continues to climb.

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Statistics obtained by AllOnGeorgia from the Chattooga County probate court office show that conceal carry permit applications and renewals increased by 15% in 2016.

The numbers below, depict applications and renewals for conceal carry permits. An application does not necessarily mean a permit was granted.

CHATTOOGA COUNTY – pop. 25,138

  • 2015 — 600 applications
  • 2016 — 694 applications
    • increase of 94


Nationally, in 2015, 14.5 million conceal carry permits were issued, up from 12.8 million the previous year. The Crime Prevention Research Center reports that just 6.06% of the total adult population has a conceal carry permit. 11 U.S. states do not require conceal carry permits to carry a gun.

Gun ownership and ammunition sales have both skyrocketed in recent years, but in the 12 months preceding the December 15, 2016, Americans purchased 17,850 tons of imported ammunition. Those numbers do not include ammunition manufactured in the United States, but the demand simply cannot be met.

FUN FACT: In September of this year, USA TODAY reported that 3% of Americans own more than half of the country’s 265 million guns. The publication also reported that “there are an estimated 111 million handguns nationwide, a 71% increase from the 65 million handguns in 1994.”

Additionally, over the last 19 months, the United States has seen a record number of Americans request background checks for the purposes of purchasing a firearm. Breitbart News reports:

“The streak began with May 2015–when more background checks were conducted than in any previous May–and continued with more background checks performed in June 2015 than any previous June, more in July 2015 than any previous July, and more in August 2015 than any previous August. Month after month, a record has been broken through November 2016.”

According the FBI, there were 24,767,514 background checks performed between January 1 and November 30 of this year, making 2016 the highest in history.

Owning a gun is a constitutional right, however learning how to properly use one is personal responsibility. Sheriff Deputy Josh Powell offers classes on gun safety and and use several times a year free of charge. For more information on the next class contact the Sheriff’s Department.

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Casie Bryant is the NW Georgia Regional Manager for AllOnGeorgia.

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