Georgia Opinions
/ 5 years agoCOLUMN: Congress is Threatening Rural Health Care Access
OPINION: "Knowing the problems facing rural communities and the work air ambulances are doing, it is confusing that Congress is looking...
Georgia Opinions
/ 5 years agoCOLUMN: The Impeachment Frenzy
OPINION: Ken Herron opines on the calls for impeachment of President Donald Trump.
Georgia Opinions
/ 5 years agoCOLUMN: Hurricane Dorian Exposes Barriers to Work
OPINION: Marc Hyden of R Street Institute talks about the what government barriers to recovery would have been in the way...
Georgia Opinions
/ 5 years agoCOLUMN: Don’t Doubt God
OPINION: Ken Herron talks about his faith and why he doesn't doubt God.
Georgia Opinions
/ 5 years agoCOLUMN: Jobs! Jobs! Jobs!
OPINION: Ken Herron talks about the low unemployment rate and his belief of why trade and tariffs are partl of the...
Georgia Opinions
/ 6 years agoCOLUMN: The Rinse Cycle of Politicians
OPINION: Contributor Jessica Szilagyi discusses the cycle of elected officials morphing into the autocrats they once sought to oust from office.
Georgia Opinions
/ 6 years agoCOLUMN: New Law Leaves Georgians Dazed and Confused
OPINION: Marc Hyden opines on how, as a result of the last legislation session, law enforcement officials in Georgia don't have...
Bulloch Opinions
/ 6 years agoCOLUMN: Screven County Has a Problem
Jessica Szilagyi says that Screven County has a transparency problem. In her opinion piece, she says the county is failing to...
Georgia Opinions
/ 6 years agoKemp: Back to school, not the status quo
Governor Brian Kemp opines the return to school for Georgia students. "While many of the classrooms may look familiar and the cafeteria food tastes the...
Georgia Opinions
/ 6 years agoOPINION: Bryan Co Defense of Victim’s Fund Use is More Like a Limp Shield
OPINION: Jessica Szilagyi talks about the recent rebuttal by local officials who claim they did not mismanage funds intended to help...