Georgia Opinions
/ 5 years agoCOLUMN: Can Dems Impeach The President?
OPINION: Ken Herron talks about his perspective on Trump's impeachment by Congressional Democrats. Is there reason to be confident?
Camden Opinions
/ 5 years agoCOLUMN: Verdict in Fmr. Kingsland Police Officer Case Missed the Mark
OPINION: A jury acquitted a former Kingsland police officer of manslaughter charges on Saturday, but found him guilty of violation of...
Georgia Opinions
/ 5 years agoCOLUMN: Congress is Threatening Rural Health Care Access
OPINION: "Knowing the problems facing rural communities and the work air ambulances are doing, it is confusing that Congress is looking...
Georgia Opinions
/ 5 years agoCOLUMN: The Impeachment Frenzy
OPINION: Ken Herron opines on the calls for impeachment of President Donald Trump.
Georgia Opinions
/ 5 years agoCOLUMN: Hurricane Dorian Exposes Barriers to Work
OPINION: Marc Hyden of R Street Institute talks about the what government barriers to recovery would have been in the way...
Georgia Opinions
/ 5 years agoCOLUMN: Don’t Doubt God
OPINION: Ken Herron talks about his faith and why he doesn't doubt God.
Georgia Opinions
/ 6 years agoCOLUMN: Jobs! Jobs! Jobs!
OPINION: Ken Herron talks about the low unemployment rate and his belief of why trade and tariffs are partl of the...
Georgia Opinions
/ 6 years agoCOLUMN: The Rinse Cycle of Politicians
OPINION: Contributor Jessica Szilagyi discusses the cycle of elected officials morphing into the autocrats they once sought to oust from office.
Georgia Opinions
/ 6 years agoCOLUMN: New Law Leaves Georgians Dazed and Confused
OPINION: Marc Hyden opines on how, as a result of the last legislation session, law enforcement officials in Georgia don't have...
Bulloch Opinions
/ 6 years agoCOLUMN: Screven County Has a Problem
Jessica Szilagyi says that Screven County has a transparency problem. In her opinion piece, she says the county is failing to...