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Portal Middle High School Breaks Ground for Athletic Complex

Portal Middle High School broke ground for their new athletic complex Friday with a giant crowd and an excited student body.


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Welcomed by Principal Karen L. Doty, the crowd entertained remarks from Bulloch County Schools Superintendent Charles Wilson, COO Paul Web, Cheri Wagner of the Board of Education, Commissioner Roy Thompson, and Portal High School Athlete Darius Huff as part of the announcement of the new field house, concession stands, and restrooms coming in Fall 2016.

All thanked the faculty and staff, the Portal Booster Club, the Board of Education, and the Commissioners for their support, but Superintendent Charles Wilson emphasized the important role of the community in making the new addition a possibility. Commissioner Roy Thompson, who has played a large role in the process advocating for the new facilities, challenged more students to get involved by playing on sports teams and use the accommodations to show not only the other teams, but the community, how much the Portal Panther community means.

The ceremony concluded with words by student Darius Huff who said that Portal Athletics community and those before him inspired him and challenged him to be the best every day.



Jessica Szilagyi is a former Statewide Contributor for

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