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Bulloch Schools

Bulloch Superintendent seeks feedback regarding back-to-school plan

Due to the Department of Public Health’s designation of Bulloch County as a Substantial Spread COVID-19 area on June 25, Bulloch County Schools will take an approach that allows the system to move forward with student learning while also facing the uncertainty of spread levels.

Due to the Department of Public Health’s designation of Bulloch County as a Substantial Spread COVID-19 area on June 25, Bulloch County Schools will take an approach that allows us to move forward with student learning while we also face the uncertainty of spread levels. This gives students the opportunity to resume learning as soon as possible.

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The plan is for all students to resume school using the school district’s virtual learning program. It is possible that we will experience a delayed start (potentially August 17) to allow schools time to prepare for this delivery method. When Bulloch County is reclassified to a lower spread category, the school district will allow students (those who choose to do so) to return to a traditional, face-to-face school setting.

Bulloch County Schools wants community feedback about the return-to-school plan. If you or anyone you know has questions or comments about the school district’s draft return-to-school plans, please share this information with them.

Superintendent of Schools Charles Wilson will livestream two different sessions where he will address concerns from stakeholders and answer questions. These will be aired online at on

  • Thursday, July 2, at 9:00 a.m. and
  • Monday, July 6, at 3:00 p.m.

There are two ways to submit questions and concerns for these sessions:

  • Submit questions via this online form which is available in English and Spanish; or
  • Call 912.212.8512 to submit questions, if you do not have access to the Internet. Language Line translation services are available for any language.

Submit questions prior to noon on Wednesday, July 1, to be addressed in the superintendent’s session on Thursday, July 2, at 9:00 a.m., or submit questions prior to midnight on Sunday, July 5, to be addressed in the superintendent’s session on Monday, July 6, at 3:00 p.m.

Afterwards questions will be added to the school district’s COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions website at

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