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Bulloch Schools: Medicaid & PeachCare for Kids Users Must Update Contact Info Before April 1

Bulloch County Schools is sharing important information from Georgia Department of Human Services concerning Medicaid & PeachCare for Kids:


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Medicaid and PeachCare for Kids members need to confirm their contact information prior to April 1, or risk losing benefits.

The Georgia Department of Human Services and the Georgia Department of Community Health have announced that the federal government will restart its practice of checking members’ eligibility on April 1, a practice that was paused during the COVID-19 public health emergency. As a result, this will be the first time that many of Georgia’s 2.7 million Medicaid and PeachCare for Kids members will be required to go through the routine update process.

Federal law requires all states, including Georgia, to check who is still eligible to receive Medicaid coverage within 14 months.

The Department of Human Services, through its ongoing public information campaign, “Stay Informed. Stay Covered,” is communicating with Medicaid and Peach Care for Kids® members by mail, email, automated telephone calls, text message reminders and television, radio and social media. Medicaid and PeachCare for Kids members should be receiving notifications in their email inbox or mailbox, and members will be asked to respond to requests for information that will be used to determine their Medicaid status. Visit to update your contact information, receive important updates, resources, and alerts.

If you need help, you can schedule an in-person visit for support at your local Division of Family & Children Services office. If you need help reading this information or communicating with the Georgia Department of Human Services call 1-877-GADHS-GO (1-877-423-4746). Their services, including interpreters, are free. Help is also available for those who are deaf, hard of hearing, deaf-blind or have difficulty speaking, by dialing 711 (Georgia Relay).

Georgia Medicaid members can update their information in one of three ways:
1. Online at the Department of Human Services’ benefits website:
2. In person at your local Department of Family & Childrens Services office, by appointment only
3. By phone at 1-877-GA-DHS-GO (1.877.423.4746) or 711 for the hearing-impaired

For more information, visit

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