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Bulloch Schools

Bulloch Co Schools: Stilson & Nevils without power, Schools open for full day

Stilson and Nevils elementary schools remain without power due to last night’s (Aug. 8) severe thunderstorm. Both schools will be open for the full day, and Bulloch County Schools has put its standard safety measures in place for utility outages in order to keep schools open.


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School attendance is always a parent’s choice. If families choose for their child to be absent or picked up early, they may submit an absence excuse, and schools will work with them to excuse the absence.

While the power is being restored, the school district is still providing essential services to students and staff. Bottled water is readily available for drinking, and a dedicated water truck is stationed on both campuses to ensure restroom facilities remain fully operational.

The district’s school nutrition team is always prepared to serve meal options that do not have to be cooked if utilities are disrupted.

The school district updated Stilson and Nevils parents at 10:30 a.m., that due to the uncertainty of when power would be restored and the higher afternoon temperatures, the district would run an early bus route for just these schools’ bus riders beginning at 11:30 a.m.  Any option two young bus riders without supervision at the bus stop will be returned to the school and be taken home during the regular end-of-day dismissal time. Stilson and Nevils bus drivers contacted families to make them aware of the early drop off time for each stop. All bus riders were fed lunch before the 11:30 early bus dismissal.

Car rider dismissal time will remain as regularly scheduled; however, parents may choose to pick up their child early.

Bulloch Parks & Recreation will be on hand to serve any registered after school program students at Stilson and Nevils who remain at the school.

Bulloch County Schools

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