Bulloch County Schools’ Parent & Family Engagement program will host a Family Forum for all interested families on Thursday, November 2, at Julia P. Bryant Elementary School. Doors open at 5:15 p.m., for registration, and the program begins at 5:30 p.m.
Childcare is available at no cost during the event for children in grades Pre-Kindergarten through fifth-grade. There are also door prize drawings with prizes donated by community supporters.
Event topics are applicable for parents with children of all ages. Topics include why school attendance matters, developing literacy skills in children, support resources for mathematics, a presentation from the district’s Career Technical & Agricultural Education program, and information about dual enrollment for high school students.
The event and the district’s Parent & Family Engagement Program are coordinated by Bulloch County Schools’ team of seven parent and family engagement specialists. Funded by Title I, specialists seek to support families and provide them with opportunities and resources to best help children be successful in school. Thirteen of Bulloch County Schools’ 15 schools are Title I schools.

Bulloch Co Schools