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Brooklet Property Taxes to Tick Up Slightly, Public Hearings Set

Property taxes in the City of Brooklet are set to increase slightly for the 2019 tax year. City officials cite the increase in property values as the reason.

Property taxes in the City of Brooklet are set to increase slightly for the 2019 tax year.


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Brooklet officials announced last week that property taxes will increase 3.07% over the rollback millage rate due to an increase in property values. In an official statement, the city said:

“The purpose of this increase is due to property valuations by the Bulloch County Board of Assessors Office. When the trend of prices on properties that have recently sold in the County (or City of Brooklet) indicate there has been an increase in the fair market value of any specific property, the Board of Tax Assessors is required by law to re-determine the value of such property and adjust the assessment. This is called a reassessment and this reassessment is what determines the amount of fair market value for the City of Brooklet.”

The rollback rate to collect the same amount as collected in 2018 is 7.467 mills. Brooklet has tentatively set the millage rate at 7.696 mills, which is the same rate as 2018, so on a home valued at $125,000, homeowners can expect to see a $1.53 increase on their city property tax bill. 

As a result, the city will collect $19,052 more than they did in 2018 for a projected total of $344,189.

Three public hearings will be held at Brooklet City Hall. Citizens are invited to attend and will have the opportunity to offer comments.

  • September 24, 2019 @ 10:00 A.M.
  • September 24, 2019 @ 6:00 P.M.
  • October 1, 2019 @ 6:00 P.M. 

A called meeting to formally adopt the millage rate on October 1 will follow the third public hearing.

(Note: the hearing dates published in the article (above) are correct. Please disregard the hearing dates on the 5-year look back below)

2019 5 year tax digest

Jessica Szilagyi is a former Statewide Contributor for

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