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Interview with Andy Allen, Chattooga County’s Next Sole Commissioner

While early voting began, voters decided on the position of sole commissioner for Chattooga County in the Republican primary.

While early voting began, voters decided on the position of sole commissioner for Chattooga County in the Republican primary. With no opponent in the general election, Andy Allen will officially take office on January 1.

Here is an interview with the next Sole Commissioner of Chattooga County, Andy Allen, who shares his priorities, challenges, and vision for the future.

Q&A with Andy Allen, Chattooga County Sole Commissioner-Elect

What are your top priorities as you prepare to take office on January 1?

As I take office, I am committed to ensuring that the people of this county are fully informed about our financial situation from day one. We will restore property owners’ rights to their land by drafting a residential subdivision land ordinance that respects their ownership rights and placing it on the next ballot for a vote. Another priority is strengthening our emergency services with the necessary infrastructure to ensure public safety. Additionally, we will establish a system for the public works and water departments to enhance service efficiency.


What challenges do you anticipate in your first year as sole commissioner, and how do you plan to address them?

The first year of my tenure will be crucial as we face the significant challenge of meeting the budget set for 2025 with the funds collected. With COVID and ARPA grant funds extinguished, we find ourselves back relying on tax collection.

The goal is to bring our finances under control!

Initially, placing the right employees in key positions to ensure good service delivery will also be a key focus. Holding all county employees accountable to the highest standard and rewriting the decades-old county employee handbook and policies must be addressed in the first year.

How do you plan to improve communication and transparency between your office and the community?

We will bring the county website into the 21st century by posting budget and expenditure reports, making them easily accessible, and updating them quarterly with progress summaries from each department. I will also hold a state-of-the-county address annually to share our goals and accomplishments with the public.


Will you have public meetings? If so, what will those be like, when (time of day), and where?

Yes, I plan to hold public meetings as needed and will be present. They may be held in different communities around the county or at the civic center, such as a budget meeting or when we rewrite the current land ordinance. Meetings of public interest will occur in the evening to ensure all who want to attend have the opportunity, and a Zoom link will be provided for those who can’t attend.

What is your vision for economic development in the county?

My vision is to ensure we have the space and infrastructure necessary to attract businesses by offering low regulation to encourage growth. Collaborating with the local JDA, state officials, workforce development programs, schools, and the chamber of commerce will be critical. We also want to ensure the needs of existing businesses are met and connect them with available programs and resources.


With infrastructure being a common concern, what are your plans for improving roads, public services, and other critical areas?

As I stated before, setting up a system to provide work orders for employees planning jobs and sectioning the county off will offer better service and save money while providing accountability. Maintaining the ditches and clearing the right-of-way will help improve water flow and keep roads in better shape for years while decreasing flash floods. Preplanning for natural disasters in advance will help with response time and overall efficiency.


As sole commissioner, you’ll handle a wide range of responsibilities. How do you plan to manage the workload and ensure all issues get the attention they need?

Setting goals for county employees and department heads while holding them responsible for their positions will help keep the workload down. Having operated two full-time crews in the timber industry and a cattle farm for years, I am used to working long days. It’s not like banking 9 to 5; it’s more like can and cannot!


Are there any specific projects or initiatives you are particularly excited to launch during your term?

One project I will accomplish is clearing the overlook on Taylor Ridge and creating a small community space for people to stop and enjoy. Another will be to seek out a location to provide trash services to all in the county.


What steps will you take to ensure the county’s budget is managed effectively while addressing critical community needs?

Streamlining services while consolidating departments will lower the cost of services. Having all county officials prepare a budget that receives tax dollars to operate their respective departments at the county budget meetings will ensure an understanding of their needs while holding each one accountable.


Do you foresee any administrative changes at any department or the Commissioner’s Office?

The plan is to evaluate each department under the commissioner’s supervision and make changes as we progress. I look to provide professional, honest, and effective services.

What message would you like to send to the county’s citizens as you prepare to be the next sole commissioner?

It is humbling and appreciated that the citizens of Chattooga County allow me to represent them and hold the office of County Commissioner. I don’t take the task ahead lightly, and I look forward to what we can accomplish in the years to come.

Working together, we will make Chattooga strong.

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