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The Big Blue Line

“Our offensive line has definitely been one of our brighter spots,” said Trion Head Coach Justin Brown after the line delivered another textbook performance against Lafayette. Trion Bulldogs offensive line is made up of LT Kace Roach, LG Matt McWhorter, C Aiden Brock, RG Jackson Walters, RT Wade Harris, T Braxden Peace and TE Colton Duncan paved the way for 313 yards rushing and no sacks in a 43-20 victory over LaFayette. Trion scored on its first six possessions before letting the young Dogs take over. Most thankful for the effort was Jarrett Pierce, who rushed for 176 yards on nine carries and punched in three touchdowns.
Matt McWhorter was the highest score of the game grading in with with a 76% on blocking. The Bulldogs made a total of 21 big blocks, every drive started was finished with a touchdown. The line allowed no sacks.

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