Pre Meeting Question & Answer
There will be a Question and Answer session with the Mayor and members of the City Council prior to the start of the meeting at 4:30PM. To join the Q&A session, use the meeting info listed below.
Zoom meetings notes for participants: You may join via computer, smart phone, and telephone. Participants will be muted by upon joining the meeting, and will be given opportunity to speak in sections of the meeting for public comments and questions.
Meeting ID: 830 3825 6664
Password: 944343
To join by computer or smart phone:
To join by telephone:
Call 1-646-876-9923 and enter the meeting ID and password when prompted
City of Summerville
P.O. Box 180
Summerville, GA 30747
Harry Harvey, Mayor Kristy L Dennis, Seat 3
David Ford, Seat 1 Joe Money, Jr., Seat 4
Dana W Mosley, Seat 2 Zachary Martin, Seat 5
Regular Called Meeting
Teleconference Meeting
February 8, 2021
5:00 P.M.
A. Mayor’s Comments – Harry Harvey
(7) Reports and Presentations
(8) Executive Session- land acquisition, personnel, litigation:
i. Discussion
ii. Action
(9) Old Business
a. Second Reading and Adoption of FYE 2021 Mid-Year Budget
Ordinance (see attachment):
i. Discussion
ii. Action
b. Audit Presentation from Chrysan Thomas, CPA (see attachment):
i. Discussion
ii. Action
(10) New Business
a. Approve minutes:
i. Discussion
ii. Action
b. Consider approving a request to rezone the property owned
by Ira M Henderson III and Mary Henderson, located at 5
University Circle from R-1 Residential to C-1 Commercial
and to remove the historical overlay so the property can
be used as an automobile repair shop:
i. Discussion
ii. Action
c. Consider approving a new alcohol license for Adan Petroleum,
Inc. to be located at 11161 Highway 27 (see attachment):
i. Discussion
ii. Action
d. Approve the sale of (6) Honeywell SCBA air packs with
bottles and masks to Holland Volunteer Fire Department for
i. Discussion
ii. Action
e. Consider approving payment to CCR Environmental in the
amount of $11,780 for protection plan monitoring for the
wastewater treatment plant (see attachment):
i. Discussion
ii. Action
f. Consider approving D & G Boring, Inc. to complete a road
bore under Hwy 48 for the well water transmission line
not to exceed $50,000 (see attachment):
i. Discussion
ii. Action
g. Consider approving payment of $14,208.25 to A & S
Environmental for monitoring and drilling of Test Well #3
and Test Well #4 (see attachment):
i. Discussion
ii. Action
h. Consider approving payment to Hand Service Company
in the amount of $96,501 for the drilling of test wells
3 & 4 see attachment):
i. Discussion
ii. Action
i. Consider approving payment to Carter & Sloope in the amount
of $31,875 for engineering services for new deep well near
Gamble Springs (see attachment):
i. Discussion
ii. Action
j. Consider approving payment to Carter & Sloope in the
amount of $21,695 for engineering services for the deep
well raw water line (see attachment):
i. Discussion
ii. Action
k. Consider approving payment of $49,637 to Calgon Carbon for
installation of GAC in filters 5 & 6 at the water treatment
plant (see attachment):
i. Discussion
ii. Action
l. Consider approving payment of $10,160.18 to William D. Patty
Construction for December billing of chert, sand, and rock
(see attachment):
i. Discussion
ii. Action
m. Consider approving payment of $7,429.30 to William D. Patty
Construction for January billing of chert, concrete, and rock
(see attachment):
i. Discussion
ii. Action
n. Consider approving an Appeals Board Hearing for
Thursday, February 11, 2021, at 5:30 p.m. at Summerville
City Hall:
i. Discussion
ii. Action
(11) Public Comments
(12) Adjournment