Georgia Agriculture Commissioner Gary W. Black joined State Representative Henry “Wayne” Howard (D-Augusta) for the kickoff the state’s “Assistance at the Pump” initiative last week at the Circle K off Lumpkin Road in Augusta. The initiative will assist disabled drivers in need of assistance by adding phone numbers for the station attendant to the preexisting Georgia Department of Agriculture inspection decals affixed to gas pumps across the state.
“This is not only a victory for our disabled community, but also proof that bipartisan collaboration is always a viable option when attempting to solve an issue,” Commissioner Black said. “We would like to thank Representative Wayne Howard for his leadership in bringing this concern to our attention and working with us to find a workable solution for all involved.”

Photo: GA Dept of Ag
During the 2021 legislative session, Rep. Howard introduced House Bill 437, which would require gas station employees to dispense gas to disabled drivers in need of assistance. Instead, Commissioner Black and Representative Howard joined forces to include the information by utilizing the state’s fuel inspectors as they perform their regulatory inspections at retail gas pumps. The decals now include a blank space for the gas station to fill in the phone number to reach an attendant and wording to instruct these drivers to call for assistance.
GA Dept of Ag