The Georgia Department of Corrections (GDC) has announced that 61 offenders completed their high school coursework during FY2020 and FY2021 through Foothills Education Charter High School, and were presented with diplomas during graduation ceremonies.
Through the partnership with Foothills, offenders under the age of 21 are provided the opportunity to earn a High School Diploma, which serves as the beginning of their education journey and successful reentry upon release.
“Thanks to our partners at Foothills, many offenders have reached a goal they once thought unattainable,” said Commissioner Timothy C. Ward. “We appreciate the dedication of the Counselors, Officers, Educators, and Students who have worked hard to make this program a success.”

The Foothills Education Charter High School program officially began in September 2015 at Lee Arrendale State Prison in Alto, Ga, followed by Burruss Correctional Training Center in 2016, and Phillips State Prison in 2017, and since inception, 361 offenders have successfully completed the program’s requirements.
Georgia Dept of Corrections