Georgia Department of Education announced yesterday that high-school students in Georgia will now have access to a Career Pathway in cloud computing, after the State Board of Education last week approved State School Superintendent Richard Woods’ recommendation to adopt the new courses.
The pathway is composed of three courses – Introduction to Software Technology, Computer Science Principles, and Cloud Computing.
Cloud computing is a high-demand career in Georgia and nationwide, with more than 4,000 related job openings currently available in the state. The Georgia Department of Education (GaDOE)’s Career, Technical, and Agricultural Education (CTAE) team is committed to working with business and industry partners to ensure students have hands-on, up-to-date opportunities to gain career skills as part of their K-12 education.
“Our goal is that, when a student graduates from high school in the state of Georgia, they will be prepared for their next step – whether that’s enrolling in a college or university, immediately entering the workforce, or enlisting in the military,” State School Superintendent Richard Woods said. “This cloud computing pathway is an example of the opportunities available in Georgia schools for students to gain skills that will get them ready for the future.”
Amazon Web Services (AWS) reached out to GaDOE to propose a pathway that would prepare students for entry-level careers in the cloud computing industry – part of a broader initiative that includes courses at the technical college level. The K-12 courses were developed with feedback from industry representatives from AWS, Google Cloud, NCR, Accenture, Microsoft, and other businesses.
After completing the high-school Pathway, students will be ready to continue their studies the aligned program offered through the Technical College System of Georgia.