The Chattooga County School System has announced they will offer 100% face-to-face classes for the 2021-2022 school year.
The in-house virtual option is discontinued.
The school system sent out the following letter:
As we reflect on the 2020-2021 school year and the challenges we faced in addressing the COVID-19 pandemic, we are thankful for the way our Chattooga family pulled together to support the educational opportunities of our students. As you know, we made instructional decisions based on guidance from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the US Department of Education, the Georgia Department of Education, and the Department of Public Health. We continue to follow the guidance of these organizations as we prepare for the upcoming school year.
Going forward, the Chattooga County School System will offer 100% face-to-face classes for the 2021-2022 school year.
The “in-house” virtual learning option is discontinued. Parents who wish for their children to participate in virtual instruction will have this option through Georgia Virtual Schools. For additional information about virtual learning please refer to the Chattooga County Schools student handbook page 34, or visit https://www.gavirtuaIschooI.org/
Home School is another option for parents who wish for their child/children to learn from home. For more information on this opportunity, visit the Georgia Department of Education website at https://www.gadoe.org/Curriculum-Instruction-and-Assessment/Pages/Home- Schools.aspx
It is our hope to see everyone in the fall; however, if you elect for your child to learn from home, we ask that you notify your child’s school.
Thank you for your continued support during this unprecedented year, and we look forward