The Horticulture program at Georgia Northwestern Technical College (GNTC) will hold a fall pansy sale outside of Building L located across from GNTC’s Floyd County Campus in Rome beginning Monday, Oct. 24.
The sale will be held daily from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. through Thursday, Oct. 27, or until the plants are sold out.
Nick Barton, director of GNTC’s Horticulture program, said the sale will include a variety of clear face pansies, white with blotch pansies and yellow with blotch pansies. Pansies will cost $3 for a four-pack or $20 for a flat containing four packs totaling 32 pansies.
Purchases may be made with cash or check. Credit cards are not accepted.
The sale will provide Horticulture students with real-world experience as they assist with selections and load purchases, he said. All proceeds from the plant sale will benefit GNTC’s Horticulture program.
Founded in 1962, Georgia Northwestern Technical College is celebrating 60 years of providing quality workforce education to the citizens of northwest Georgia. Students have the opportunity to earn an associate degree, diploma or a certificate in aviation, business, health, industrial or public service career paths. This past year, 11,134 people benefited from GNTC’s credit and noncredit programs. GNTC has an annual credit enrollment of 8,528 students and an additional enrollment of 2,606 people through adult education, continuing education, business and industry training and Georgia Quick Start. GNTC is a unit of the Technical College System of Georgia and an Equal Opportunity Institution.