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Chattooga Outdoors

Finster Fest this weekend

Howard Finster’s Paradise Garden will host its annual nationally recognized two-day art festival, Finster Fest, on September 23 & 24, 2023, in Summerville, GA, in the historic, 4-acre art environment.

Georgia Auto Brokers

General admission is $10 at the door (cash and credit cards accepted). Free parking is provided at the Walmart Super center on U.S. 27 just north of the Paradise Garden, with a complimentary 3-minute shuttle provided all day. Handicap parking is available at Paradise Garden. Well-behaved, leashed four legged friends are welcome at the festival.

VIP Patron tickets are also available! VIP perks include: admission for two visitors throughout the weekend, VIP parking on-site, $50 in Finster Bucks to spend with 60+ artists, and complimentary refreshments in the VIP Patron Hospitality Bungalow. PURCHASE YOUR VIP TICKETS HERE:

For questions about Finster Fest, give us a call at 706-808-0800 or email us at!

Saturday, September 23

12/Noon: Artist-Author Talk with Black Cat Tips (see details below)
1 PM: Jessee and the Boys

11 AM – 12/Noon: David Childers
12:30 – 1:30 PM: Jason Lyles
2 – 3 PM: Jule & Cheyenne Medders
3:30 – 4:30 PM: Jeremy Wells

12/Noon: Golden Shoals
1:30 PM: Abe Partridge
3:00 PM: Yellow Dandies

Sunday, September 24

12/Noon: Artist-Author Talk with Abe Partridge (see details below)
1 PM: Muletide
2 PM: Jeneal Johnson, her sister Linda Hawkins, and her daughter Jackie Hammond

11 AM – 12/Noon: Craig Wallin
12:30 – 1:30 PM: Clayton Jones
2 – 3 PM: Hunter Blaylock

12/Noon: Randy Steele
1:30 PM: Chattanooga Dogs
3:00 PM: Kindred Fire

2:30 PM: Artist Talk with Peter Loose about his exhibit at Paradise Garden, “Before and After Paradise”

Black Cat Tips, noon Saturday, September 23, under the Big Top
The Atlanta street artist on “How Folk Art Found Me,” a discussion that includes his children’s board book, “Smile a While,” tall tales and possibly a poem or song or three. Autographed books and art available afterwards.

Abe Partridge, noon Sunday, September 24, under the Big Top
The Mobile musician-artist discusses his rising career and his new art book “With Signs Following,” capturing, in this former preacher’s paintings and words, the Appalachian serpent-handling religious community. Autographed books and art available afterwards.

Saturday, September 23 & Sunday, September 24

1-3 PM: Children’s Art Activities

• Chattooga Garden Club (famous pimento cheese sandwiches, sweet tea, and baked goods)
• Mosley’s BBQ (ribs and chicken with all the trimmings)
• Dirt Pour Coffee & Smoothie Bar (refreshing and energizing beverages)

*Feliciano Abaurre/El Gaucho Virgen (Georgia), pottery, @elgauchovirgen
*Renée Allie (Louisiana), mosaics and cyanotype (blue-print) photography, @malarkyartnola
Chris Allison (Georgia), paintings, @chickenfriedfolkart
Becky Altman (Georgia), paintings and fiber art, @beckysusanneshop
*Justin Atkin (South Carolina), paintings
James Barron (Alabama), paintings, @jamesbarron1120
Marshall Blevins/Church Goin Mule (Mississippi), paintings, @churchgoinmule
Jacob Boehne (Ohio), paintings, wooden cutout figures, @jacobboehne
Brian Bohanan (Alabama), paintings, @bohananfolkart
Christy Buchanan (South Carolina), paintings, @ownachristy
Rachel Campbell (Georgia), paintings, @recartworks
Jeff and Denny Carlisle (Tennessee), stained glass, found-object art, @rockhillrustics
Cayman K. (Ohio), paintings, 3-dimensional figures, @caymankart
*David & *Robert Childers (North Carolina), paintings, musicians, @robert_childers
Tex Crawford (Georgia), painted cut-metal and found-object sculpture, @tex_s_crawford
Kimberly Dawn Crowder (Tennessee), paintings, @kdcart
Kristin Davis (Georgia), landscapes and other paintings, @awkwardsoulq
Fawne DeRosia (Georgia), paintings, face jugs, @fawne
Charlie Dingler (Georgia), paintings, whirligigs, @dinglercharlie
Tony Dotson (Ohio), sculpture from vintage children’s toys and scraps, @tonydotson71
*Amy Durant (Georgia), paintings, @amydurantart
Dale “Breezy” Ellis & Marianne Talarick (Georgia), pottery
*Victor Ezquerra (Georgia), drawings
Candace Fincher (Georgia), nature-inspired art, @candace_fincher
Mandy Grant (Georgia), stained glass and pottery
Elizabeth Collins Hanes (Georgia), pottery, @chickentracksartranch
Chris Hubbard (Georgia), painted cut-metal sculpture
Mary Lou “Pixie” Jacquin (Illinois), prints, paintings, pottery
*Billy Keith (Kentucky), sun-burned drawings on wood with magnifying lenses, @solarburnbill
Jim Kopp (Wyoming), paintings, @jimkopp_
Lee Laney (Georgia), pottery and paintings, @lee.laney
C.M., Kelly & Ruby Laster (Kentucky), paintings, @charleslaster, @gracekellylasterart
Eric Legge & Michele Humphrey (Georgia), paintings, pottery, @ericleggeart, @leavesofclay
Will Linn (Georgia), paintings, @willlinnart
Little River Arts Council (Alabama), @littleriverartscouncil. Including: Lacy Hope Dobbs, paintings, @lacyhopeart; Kelly Farley, paintings, @lookoutmountaingoatranchoriginals; Susie Lawson, fabric art, @g8rgirl1963; and Mikel Yeakle, photography, @mikel_yeakle_photographer
Rik Long (Alabama), paintings with paint and mud
Peter Loose (Georgia), paintings, @petesartshop
Terran Joy McCanna (Georgia), jewelry, @kaiaghok
Bob McGill (Tennessee), paintings with razor blades
Scott McQueen (Alabama), paintings, @scottmcqueenfolkart
Brian Mengenthaler (North Carolina), found-object metal sculpture, @mergworks
Katherine Michael (Florida), paintings, @katherinemichaelfolkartist
Mountain Mama Farms (Georgia), farm-made products, @mountainmamafarms
Olivia Myers (Georgia), pottery, @omyersart
Abe Partridge (Alabama), paintings, @abepartridge
Ken Pease (Virginia), paintings, @tropicalzombies
Pilgrim F (New Jersey), hand-painted signs and cutouts, @artbrainonhugs
Kip Ramey (Georgia), paintings, @krameyart
Kristin Replogle (Georgia), paintings
Martha Sandlin (Georgia), mosaics, found-object sculpture
Celena Schoen (Georgia), pottery, @si_lena_shine
James Schroeder (Georgia), stenciled paintings, painted cutout figures, @jamesschroederart
Polly Sherrill (Georgia), pottery, @pollythepotter
Jim Shores (Georgia), found-object sculpture, @jimshoresart
Billy Smith (Georgia), paintings, @billytrelane
Mike Swafford (Georgia), paintings
Randy Tobias (North Carolina), pottery, @randallpaulpotter
Tom & Judy Touchstone (Georgia), pottery, clay necklaces, bracelets
*Patty Way (North Carolina), 3-D animal sculpture
*Teresa Wamble (Alabama), gourd art and paintings

(* = artists showing at Paradise Garden for first time)
Updated 9/11/23

South Summerville Baptist
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