The Joy of The Journey: Emmanuel God with us! Part 2
Emmanuel, God with us, is a powerful and beautiful concept that is found throughout the Bible. It speaks to God’s never-ending presence and love for His people, and it is a constant theme in Scripture, from the Old Testament to the New.
The name Emmanuel comes from two Hebrew words, “Immanu,” which means “with us” and “El” which means God. Together, they form the word Emmanuel, which translates to “God with us.” This name was first prophesied by the prophet Isaiah in the Old Testament, over 700 years before the birth of Jesus.
In Isaiah 7:14, the prophet says, “Therefore, the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son and will call him Immanuel.” This prophecy was fulfilled when Jesus was born to the Virgin Mary in Bethlehem, as recorded in the New Testament in Matthew 1:23.
The birth of Jesus is a key moment in history as it represents the fulfillment of God’s promise to always be with His people. It also signifies the start of a new era, where God would physically dwell among His people and bring salvation to the world.
Throughout the New Testament, we see the significance of Emmanuel, God with us, in the life and teachings of Jesus. John 1:14 says, “The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.” This verse speaks to the incarnation of Jesus, where He left His heavenly dwelling to come and live among us as a human.
Jesus, being both fully God and fully human, embodies the name Emmanuel. He walked among His people, ate with them, taught them, and ultimately, died and rose again for them. He experienced all the joys and struggles of human life, and yet, He remained sinless, fulfilling God’s promise of a perfect savior.
The presence of Emmanuel, God with us, profoundly impactedthose around Him. Through His miracles, teachings, and ultimately His death and resurrection, many came to know and believe that He is indeed the promised Messiah. He showed us the true nature of God’s love and grace, and His presence on earth forever changed the trajectory of human history.
Even after Jesus’ ascension into heaven, the name Emmanuel holds great significance for believers. In Matthew 28:20, Jesus promises His disciples, and all of us, saying, “And surely, I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” This promise speaks to the eternal presence of God with His people through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.
As believers, we are called to walk in the light of Emmanuel, to live our lives knowing that God is always with us, guiding, comforting, and strengthening us. In times of joy, we can celebrate with the knowledge that God is rejoicing with us. In times of struggle, we can find comfort in His presence, knowing He will never leave or forsake us.
The name Emmanuel also reminds us of the ultimate sacrifice made by God Himself to save us from our sins. It is a tangible reminder of His immense love for us. 1 John 4:10 says, “This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.” The presence of Emmanuel on earth and His ultimate sacrifice on the cross demonstrate the extent of God’s love for us.
As we celebrate the birth of Jesus each year during the Christmas season, let us remember the true meaning of Emmanuel: God with us. It is a reminder that God loves us so much that He came to be with us, to be one of us, and to save us from our sins ultimately. Let us also remember that the promise of Emmanuel is not limited to one season but is everlasting. God is with us always, and His love and presence will never fade or leave us.
In conclusion, Emmanuel is more than just a name; it is a powerful promise and statement of truth. It reveals the very nature of God, who is always with us, guiding us and loving us. Let us hold on to this truth as we navigate through life, knowing that we have a God who is not distant but one who is always with us every step of the way.
Wishing You a Merry Christmas
Pastor P.