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Chattooga Local Spotlight

Harvest Worship Center Provides Special Gift for Diamondbacks Team

During this season of gratitude, we’re reminded how blessed we are to have teams like the Diamondbacks and churches like Harvest Worship Center in our community. Their kindness, generosity, and focus on making every child feel valued and included truly embody the spirit of Thanksgiving.

In a heartfelt gesture of generosity and inclusion, Harvest Worship Center in Trion recently provided custom jerseys for the Diamondbacks Special Needs Baseball team. The initiative was spearheaded by the church’s youth pastor, Jacob Morrisette, who shared the inspiration behind the gift.

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“The idea came from just wanting to do something special for the kids that was different from a trophy, medal, or ring,” Morrisette explained. “People always remember the feeling of having a jersey to represent a team but always dreamed of a jersey with their name on it. The kids having something they can wear with their name on it allows them to feel a part of something bigger than themselves.”

The jerseys were made possible through the generous giving of Harvest Worship Center’s congregation and the swift approval of the church board. “Things like this wouldn’t be possible if we didn’t have people who give with generous hearts,” said Morrisette.

The response from the families and players has been overwhelmingly positive. “The gratitude and thanks for providing the kids with something they may cherish for years to come has been humbling,” Morrisette shared.

For Harvest Worship Center, supporting the Diamondbacks is an annual highlight. “Playing the Diamondbacks is one of the things we look forward to every year,” Morrisette added. “The smiles, laughter, and joy in an hour on the field are almost priceless.”

This act of kindness exemplifies the church’s commitment to its community, showcasing the profound impact that compassion and inclusion can have on young lives. The jerseys serve as more than just uniforms—they represent belonging, pride, and a cherished memory that the children will carry with them for years to come.

The Diamondbacks play different organizations and groups throughout their season, and once again this season finished undefeated.

South Summerville Baptist
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