Sheriff Urges Gordon County Citizens to Consider COVID 19 Vaccination
From Gordon County Sheriff Mitch Ralston:
“As Sheriff of Gordon County, the physical safety of each and every person in our community is, and always has been, my first priority. Now, we are facing a critical resurgence of the the COVID 19 virus, in a new, much more contagious, and potentially even more deadly form, the Delta Variant. Earlier this week, I met with representatives of our local hospital at their request. We rely on them daily for our health care needs for ourselves, our spouses, parents, and our children. They play a major role in our community. The news from the hospital is deeply disturbing. The hospital is, in their own words “overwhelmed” with patients suffering from COVID 19. The hospital, and others in Northwest Georgia are operating well beyond capacity. The Intensive Care Unit (ICU) is over capacity, and many patients are on ventilators. The doctors said that the acuity of the infections is much worse than in the initial outbreak, and the patients are in large part young and otherwise healthy. I have also met with several doctors who practice medicine here in Calhoun. They have told me clearly that 95% of the people being hospitalized are unvaccinated. 100% of COVID patients on ventilators are unvaccinated. As much as this situation is tragic, we have the ability to mitigate and alleviate it. The medical facts are undisputed: the vaccine prevents infection in most cases and absolutely lessens the severity of the sickness in almost all cases. Unfortunately, almost 70% of our county remains unvaccinated.
It would be irresponsible of me not to address this issue, with truthful and accurate information from doctors and other heath care providers that we know and trust. The doctors who treat us when we’re sick. They have told me clearly, convincingly, and with one voice to take the vaccine. Vaccinations are available free of charge at the local Health Department. All 3 vaccines, Moderna, Pfizer, and Johnson & Johnson are available. Vaccinations are also available at local drug stores, primary care providers, and urgent care facilities.. I am not talking about relying on mainstream media reports, social media posts, conspiracy theories, or the opinions of people in Washington DC. I am emphasizing the importance of relying on the people we trust to practice medicine here in our own community. I am a devout conservative, a freedom loving American, and a follower of Christ. I would never compel anyone to surrender a freedom, but I am in fact addressing a life and death issue. I love Calhoun and Gordon County and I deeply and sincerely care for everyone here. I urge you to follow your health care providers advice and take the vaccine. Please continue to pray for the people on the front lines fighting COVID 19, the health care professionals and the first responders, as well as all the sick. May God Bless You All.”
Sheriff Mitch Ralston was elected in November, 2008 and took Office January 1st, 2009. He is a native of Gordon County from an old and well known family. He attended public schools in Gordon County, and graduated from Calhoun High School.