The City of Summerville is accepting bids for the following:
Mowing and cleaning approximately 29 miles of Natural Gas right-of way beginning in Floyd County and ending in Chattooga County.
A map of the area can be picked up in the Public Works & Utilities Directors office Monday through Friday between 7:30 am and 4:00 pm.
All work shall be carried through completion without unreasonable delays and without suspension of work unless authorized in writing by the City of Summerville and is to be completed prior to December 4, 2023.
A drug-free workplace will be provided for the contractor’s employees during the performance of the project.
Any signs test stations or other appurtenances damaged during mowing and cleaning will be deducted from the agreed upon price of the project.
All bids shall include a signed contractor affidavit and a 5% bid bond.
Said bids must be sealed with the words “RIGHT-OF-WAY MOWING AND CLEANING SEALED BID” written across the outside of the envelope and received in the office of the Utilities Director located at 166 Cox St, Summerville, GA 30747 on or before 5:00 pm, October, 9th 2023, at which time bids will be opened and read aloud.
Any questions or comments, contact Terry Tinney at 706-859-0907
The City of Summerville reserves the right to reject any and all bids.