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Chattooga Local Government

Chattooga County Local Small Business & Farm Grants Now Available

The purpose of the Chattooga County Local Farm Grant, and Local Small business grant, is to assist farms and businesses in Chattooga County with their recovery from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic as well as to stimulate investment and business expansion in Chattooga County.


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The purpose of the Chattooga County Local Farm Grant, and Local Small business grant, is to assist farms and businesses in Chattooga County with their recovery from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic as well as to stimulate investment and business expansion in Chattooga County. By creating this fund, Chattooga County will support the growth of the county’s entrepreneurial ecosystem, support existing business as well as early-stage venture growth, and stimulate an increase in job opportunities and the commercial tax base in Chattooga County. Farms receiving funding through this program will be encouraged to be good corporate citizens and encouraged to employ Chattooga County residents.

Please Click Here to Download the information about the Local Small Business Grant, and Apply Today!

Please Click Here to Download the information about the Local Farm Grant, and Apply Today!

Businesses and Farms receiving funding through these programs will be encouraged to be good corporate citizens and encouraged to employ Chattooga County residents.

South Summerville Baptist
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