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Chattooga County GOP Meeting draws big crowd

Chattooga County’s Republican Party hosted their monthly meeting on Thursday evening February 4th at the Senior Center in Summerville. With the Presidential election cycle in full swing, politics are being discussed around restaurant tables from Jim’s to Dirtttown in Chattooga County and the Republican Party has been growing fast with local citizens looking for any other option than the same old routine.

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Matt Williamson the chairman from Walker County was visiting again, along with half a dozen Walker County delegates. Mr. Williamson has been assisting Chattooga County with discussions on moving the County toward a board of commissioners as opposed to the sole commissioner platform used for over a century. Walker and Chattooga County are two of less than a dozen counties nation-wide that still employ a sole commissioner.  Walker County has succeeded in placing the idea of a board of commissioners on the general ballot which would allow every citizen a voice in the matter.

Ron Johnson, Jackson County Chairman, Veterans Committee Chairman, under 80K Chairman (representing all counties in Georgia with less than 80,000 citizens) addressed some of the financial concerns facing the GOP. Johnson said he had total confidence in Jack Kingston turning things around. He also introduced Ginger Howard who is running for RNC National Committee woman. “I think Ginger Howard is energetic, sincere, and will do the best job for us on a national level” said Johnson.

Ginger Howard considers herself a true conservative who is compassionate and committed to representing the people of Georgia, including giving those outside of Atlanta a voice.

Chairman Ron Johnson, 2nd Vice Chairman Casie Bryant, Ginger Howard, Chairman Spencer Hogg

George Killian addressed the attendees on the 2nd amendment. His speech was a passionate reminder of the importance gun issues will play in this upcoming election cycle. Killian pointed out, “we the people are the government, …the 2nd amendment protects the 4th amendment, we are going to have to fight for this country if we are going to keep it.” Mr. Killian is a Navy veteran currently residing in Ft. Payne, Alabama and a constitutionalist who, at 80 years young, is a much sought-after speaker who still travels the region advocating for the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

Lanny Thomas, State Senatorial Candidate, briefly addressed the crowd reassuring them, “I’m going to give you choices for this party. I’m going to be your voice.”

Discussions included several bills going through the legislative session. The upcoming Mass Precinct Meetings and the Chattooga County Republican Party Convention both will be held March 19th.

The Party will also hold a grand opening of the new Headquarters located at 10034 Commerce Street in Summerville. The kickoff will be February 20th, just in time for the March 1st primary. “This is a very exciting time of year”, Chairman Hogg commented.

The meeting drew a crowd of over 30 concerned citizens. Elected officials from Chattooga and 4 neighboring counties were in attendance. In addition to the Walker County Chairman, the Catoosa County Chairman, Denise Burns was also on hand. Other elected officials present included Chattooga County Commissioner Jason Winters and Chief Magistrate Tracey Maddux.

gop meeting

South Summerville Baptist
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