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Chattooga Lifestyle

Walker Rocks in Rossville Mural Complete

Artist Jonathan Bidwell just completed his second mural in Walker County. This piece can be found on the back of the Food City building in Rossville facing the John Ross Commons area.

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The focal points in the mural can be seen in and around Rossville. The train is the “Summerville Steam Special” which makes weekend trips from the Tennessee Valley Railroad Museum to Summerville, passing through Rossville and other locations in Walker County along its route.

The county’s tourism committee scouted various sites in Rossville for this mural and settled on the back of the Food City building due to its proximity to the John Ross Commons area and the visibility of this location. The entire project took over a year to organize.

Hotel/motel tax revenue from visitors to Walker County funded the mural.

   Watch the ribbon cutting event!

South Summerville Baptist
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