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Recovery Alive Presents Fundraiser Concert with Stephen McWhirter at Connect City Church

On Saturday, July 20th, Recovery Alive at Connect City Church in Summerville will host a fundraiser concert featuring Stephen McWhirter. All proceeds will go towards Recovery Alive.

On Saturday, July 20th, Recovery Alive at Connect City Church in Summerville will host a fundraiser concert featuring Stephen McWhirter. All proceeds will go towards Recovery Alive.

Georgia Auto Brokers

What is Recovery ALIVE (RA)? Recovery ALIVE prioritizes the Power of Jesus through the Holy Spirit to raise Hope from The Dead. Recovery ALIVE is an organic, living program representing a living God. Recovery ALIVE works through a 12-step recovery process to promote healthy change centered around the “3 P’s” the POWER of Recovery, the PEOPLE of Recovery, and the PROCESS of Recovery. The program harnesses the unchanging truth of Jesus Christ and His word to a living, organic process to reach and minister to an ever-changing world. Recovery ALIVE isn’t for anyone; it’s for everyone! It is not defined by an issue such as drugs or alcohol. It is defined by a process. The leaders of RA have found that the Christ-centered 12 steps of RA works for any issue that breaks a person. They have also found that everyone is broken in some area of life. Recovery Alive at Connect City Church meets every Thursday at 7:00 pm.

Who is Stephen McWhirter? Stephen McWhirter is unswervingly committed to WORSHIPPING JESUS + LEADING OTHER TO HIM! Stephen’s testimony of Jesus taking Him from addiction to redemption is central to his ministry. He was a meth addict & wounded preacher’s kid who gave His life to Jesus and hasn’t looked back since! His song “Come Jesus Come” has amassed over 60 million views across TikTok, Facebook, & YouTube. It has also been nominated for KLOVEs “Song of the Year” and “Breakout Single.” It has also been considered for nomination by the GMA Dove Awards for “Worship Recorded Song of the Year”. Stephen also just announced that he will be going on tour with Maverick City Music this fall.

Please join Recovery Alive on July 20th for an amazing night of worship. Tickets are $25 each and can be purchased online at or by scanning the QR code provided on the flyer. The concert begins at 7 pm, and doors open at 6:15 pm.

Connect City Church is located at 83 Hwy 48 Summerville, GA 30747.

South Summerville Baptist
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