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GSU Athletic Director says he’s not behind ‘New Gus’

Georgia Southern fans from all around the state are outraged by the “new Gus” mascot debuted for the 2016 season.


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The Internet has been raging with comments calling for a return of the “old” Gus, going as far as to call the new one ‘creepy’ and ‘fake.’ A Facebook page called “Bring Back The Real Gus” has even been created with over 1,000 followers in the first 24 hours.

The Twitterverse was so angry Saturday evening, trending the hashtag #BringBackGus, Georgia Southern athletic director Tom Kleinen issued an official statement on Twitter:

Tom Kleinen

As for anyone else at the University, no statement has been made and it’s unclear as to whether or not the “old Gus” will return to Paulson Stadium. So, who is to blame for the new, unloved Gus? That’s an answer for the Office of Student Activities.

Below is a gallery of some of the other #BringBackGus tweets.

Jessica Szilagyi is a former Statewide Contributor for

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