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Trion High School TSA Shines at State Conference

Congratulations to Trion TSA for your accomplishments! 

This past week, Trion High School’s Technological Student Association (TSA) Chapter traveled to Athens, Georgia, to participate in the annual State Conference! While in Athens, the students enjoyed talking with other competitors and exploring the University of Georgia’s Campus.

Trion brought a variety of competition categories, ranging from Children’s Stories to Flight Endurance. However, the most exciting part of the competition was Aiden Wright and Estafani Diaz’s impressive first-place win in the structural design and engineering competition.

For the competition, the pair had to draw and build a tower from scratch to bring to the conference. From there, the judges tested each tower’s endurance by placing weights on them, and if the towers sufficed, they moved on to the semi-final round. Once in the semis, each team was given two hours to build a new tower, with a similar endurance goal.

For Wright and Diaz’s accomplishment, they will advance to Nationals held in Nashville over the summer!

Wright stated, “I am so happy that I have gotten the opportunity to test my skills in Nashville!”

Also victorious was Ryder Harris, who placed in the top 16 with dragster design. For dragster Harris was required to build a CO2 car and race it onsite, against over 100 other contestants.
Congratulations to Trion TSA for your accomplishments!

Abbie Stephens is a hard-working junior at Trion High School. She is the head editor and writer of the Bulldog Barker, the president of TSA, and a member of the national beta club. She is also on the Trion varsity basketball team. Post graduation, she plans on going to college to study either education or journalism.

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