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Bulloch Public Safety

Holiday Safety Tips from Statesboro Police Dept

Statesboro Police Department is sharing some holiday safety tips:

Between now and January 1st, the Christmas holiday season will occupy the attention of many families.  As always, we ask you to consider the following safety tips to ensure an incident free holiday period.  


When driving:

  • Leave ahead of time and take your time on the trip; nothing will ruin the holidays like a citation or vehicle accident due to speeding
  • Keep an emergency kit in your vehicle in case of breakdowns
  • Remember to lock your doors and remove exposed items of value when parked
  • Park in well lit, well-traveled areas
  • Be aware of your surroundings


When leaving home:

  • Lock all doors and windows
  • Set alarm systems
  • Leave lights on or set timers to activate the lights at a specific time
  • Have someone you trust pick up packages which will be delivered in your absence
  • Don’t leave empty delivery boxes visible from the road
  • Set up a house watch with your local law enforcement agency or have a trusted person check on the home frequently
  • Remember to lock any vehicles which will remain parked in your absence

For business owners and apartment complex managers, keep in mind that SPD offers free security assessments of your property as well as networking existing security cameras into the Fusus system.  If you would like more information on either, contact Cpt. Akins at 912-764-9911.  

We wish everyone a safe and happy holiday season!  Please remember the officers and dispatchers who will be working throughout this period, away from their homes and families, to keep our community safe as well. 

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